The Role of Diet in Supporting Reproductive Health

Cindy Wilson Thumbby Cindy Wilson
BS, Dietetics and Nutrition

Dietary modifications can boost your reproductive health and raise your chances of having a healthy baby. Do you have trouble becoming pregnant? You need to realize that most women face that situation. In the United States, one in eight individuals had difficulties conceiving or maintaining their child. Despite these numbers, both men and women can make efforts to boost their likelihood of becoming parents, which involves improving daily dietary habits.  

Whatever you read, you should be aware that food might affect fertility. Diet is important! Consider the following dietary best practices to increase prenatal fertility and the probability of a successful pregnancy.

the role of diet in supporting reproductive health

1. Consider having cranberry juice

UTIs could be avoided by consuming cranberry juice or using cranberry supplements.

A 2016 study indicated that consuming 8 ounces (oz), or 240 milliliters (ml), of a 27% cranberry juice drink daily for 24 weeks reduced the frequency of UTIs in adult women who had previously experienced a UTI. It’s known that cranberry pills aid prevent yeast infection. So, you may also consider having pills instead of juice!

Antibacterial substances that destroy germs are abundant in cranberries. These involve acidic substances and antioxidants, such as:

  • Vitamin C
  • Organic and phenolic acids
  • Proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins
  • Flavanols and flavonols. 

2. Probiotics bring healthy bacteria there as well

Yogurt containing certain Lactobacillus strains is one item that is rich in probiotics and benefits more than only the digestive tract. Additionally, it helps accelerate BV healing and lessen symptom severity.

This bacterium regulates the pH levels in your vagina, preventing the development of dangerous bacteria. Probiotics may lessen BV symptoms like discharge and odor. They could also aid in the reduction of recurring BV outbreaks.

Take that cup of yogurt or kefir and enjoy it. Pick products that include live and functioning cultures. You need these healthy bacteria in your vagina and digestive tract. 

3. Soy aids in boosting vaginal dryness

If your body lacks estrogen, soy is the best formula to boost vaginal dryness. The minimally-processed soy products let your muscles retain more water and contain isoflavones, a plant-based phytoestrogen. It’s advantageous for the skin in postmenopausal ladies. Simply put, soy can assist with vaginal dryness, and you may consume minimally-processed soy products, including tofu, edamame, miso, and tempeh. 

4. Fruits offer essential reproductive nutrients 

Numerous fruits have significant antioxidant content. These are amazing for boosting blood flow, lowering oxidative stress, and keeping your cells healthy. These are all necessary for reproduction. The fruits rich in antioxidants are the following:

  • Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Goji berries
  • Pomegranates
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries

With these top 4 foods, it’s hassle-free to prioritize your reproductive health. You may try preparing different recipes which contain many of these foods. So, you know what diet is essential for a healthy reproductive system! 

Various elements, such as food, sanitation, and sexual activity influence genital odor and pH. Even if a notable pungent vaginal odor may exist, it’s typically not regarded as unpleasant. In case you notice vaginal discharge, consider talking to your doctor to forbid any elementary medical conditions.  

About Author

Cindy Wilson Thumb
BS, Nutrition & Food Science
Cindy Wilson

Hello, I am Cindy, and this a website where I inspect everything related to nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. I have a BS in Dietetics and Nutrition (Kansas State University) and have completed a dozen specialty courses related to nutrition, biochemistry, and food science. I am open to learning more, but foremost I would like to share all my knowledge with you.

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