Where To Buy Garcinia Cambogia

Cindy Wilson Thumbby Cindy Wilson
BS, Dietetics and Nutrition

What if I told you that finding the best Garcinia Cambogia doesn’t need to be hard or expensive?

It sounds beautiful, right?​

​Garcinia Cambogia is one of the best natural fruits for weight loss.

It has many proven health benefits; among them, weight loss is one of the most important (see my article about Garcinia’s 10 health benefits and weight loss).

​But, when it comes to buying, the most repetitive question I get regularly is “Where Can I Buy Garcinia Cambogia?”

This post will tell you where you can buy the best Garcinia Cambogia in the form of fruit, pills (supplement purpose) and extract.

What is Garcinia Cambogia?

Garcinia cambogia (Garcinia gummi-gutta or lat. Garcinia Cowa), also more commonly referred to as tamarind, is a pumpkin-like fruit hailing the tropical region of Southeast Asia.

The fruit is popular amongst various culinary dishes in India, Thailand, and Malaysia, which favor the sweet and sour flavors that the fruit offers.

Introduced to the health market as a dietary supplement in the 1990s after encouraging lab studies found that lab rats who were given acid derived from the tamarind fruit known as HCA were shown to exhibit weight loss.

Since then, a flood of controversy and conflicting claims has plagued the supplement’s reputation ever since. So does Garcinia Cambogia work? Is HCA safe?

We will answer all of your questions and provide you with everything you need to know before buying Garcinia Cambogia for weight loss!

Why Garcinia Cambogia?

  • Weight Loss. Garcinia Cambogia is proven to block fat deposition in the body, curb your appetite and increase metabolism activities. Therefore, the number one advantage of Garcinia is to help in losing weight.
  • Health. Besides weight loss, Garcinia Cambogia also helps in/: type 2 diabetes, cancer prevention, cholesterol levels in the blood, immune function, anti-aging, digestion, gastrointestinal disorders.

​Best Garcinia Cambogia Brand to Buy

I will present you with a list of the best Garcinia Cambogia brands you can buy on the market at this moment.

I will include only the most quality Garcinia Cambogia manufacturers, researched by my personal experience and by following this criterion:

  • I have checked all the ingredients included in each of the below products and made sure that there are no added additives or other unnecessary ingredients
  • 100% Garcinia Cambogia, all-natural and pure
  • Only binder-free, filler-free, and additive-free products are acceptable!

​I will not include bad or unreliable brands here, so you won’t go wrong if you buy any of the Garcinia Cambogia brands below.

​Best Garcinia Cambogia Pills (Supplement)

Garcinia Cambogia Pills are usually packed with proper ingredients, and pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract to help you lose weight and gain many health benefits.

Choosing the best Garcinia Cambogia Pill provider can be a tough job, right? I have been there, and I have had many trials and errors. But now, I am ready to present you the Best Garcinia Cambogia Pills (Supplement) list below:​


Garcinia Cambogia(HCA) per pill


Garcinia Extra

500mg Pills


500mg Pills


500mg Pills


500mg Pills
Natures Design 700mg Pills

Reviews of Best Garcinia Cambogia Pills (Supplement)

Below are detailed reviews of the best Garcinia Cambogia Pills (Supplements) I have included in the above table. Click to open and read more about each of them:

1. Review: Garcinia Extra

Do you have trouble with weight loss? No problem. Garcinia Cambogia Extra is at your doorstep, ready to walk with you through your weight loss journey. It is time for you to knock out that stubborn fat around your belly that has been giving you nightmares.

Garcinia Extra

I know you have tried all sorts of things like dieting, starving yourself, workouts, but it all turned futile. That is why I am introducing to you this weight loss hack. Just a word of caution, when purchasing the Garcinia Cambogia pill, please confirm that it is the original product because generic ones, too, are selling. So buyers beware to avoid falling victim to such circumstances.​

How can you confirm the effectiveness of Garcinia Cambogia Extra?​

The Garcinia Extra contains two major ingredients which have been scientifically proven to burn fat.

1. Raspberry Ketone: With its sweet natural scent, raspberry can burn fat in your body.

– It increases fat breakdown by courtesy of enzyme lipase in the small intestine by making the cells more sensitive to norepinephrine.

– It makes adipose tissues release more adiponectin hormones. Overweight people tend to produce less adiponectin as compared to thin people who have it in larger amounts.

How do you use it?​

The recommended dose of raspberry ketone is between 200gm and 400gm to be taken 1 to 2 daily.

​2. Garcinia Cambogia:

This is a tropical fruit that originates from Indonesia, where it was first discovered to have effects on weight loss. One sundried Garcinia cambogia has a concentration of 50% of Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) which aids in weight loss. Its effectiveness revolves around two major principles, as explained below.

  • Suppressing appetite: The Garcinia Cambogia Extra helps reduce cravings, and you can control the amount of food you eat. It destabilizes that emotional routine of wanting to eat every time. This especially happens to emotionally drained people or rather depressed who get hungry pretty fast. It helps an overweight person manage their cortisol levels, a hormone produced during stress time. Your serotonin levels are increased, and this stops mood swings, and you will be just fine. So the next time you get that sweet tooth craving, immediately run to the corner store and order for Garcinia Cambogia.
  • Fat Buster: It hinders fat from being stored in your body, and as a result, adipose tissues are reduced. This means that belly fat will significantly be reduced and for once you will fit in those jeans. Be sure to dust them off because they have been in the wardrobe for too long and slay that flat tummy. Additionally, it too contributes to the mass of the lean muscles by decreasing their fat levels. With Garcinia Cambogia around, it becomes a fat-free zone.

Authentic Garcinia Cambogia Extra has:

  • 50% of Hydroxycitric acid (HCA)
  • The name Garcinia Cambogia (HCA) is written on the bottle.
  • Mineral Calcium and Potassium

​The recommended dose is 1500mg twice daily.

2. Review: Garcinia Cambogia by NatureWise

NatureWise Garcinia Cambogia is designed for people who are looking for weight loss and fat-burning supplements. It helps suppress your appetite preventing overeating.​

Naturewise Garcinia

There are 180 vegetarian capsules in every bottle of NatureWise Garcinia Cambogia.

Each capsule is packed with pure Cambogia Garcinia extract, a fruit commonly found in the Southeast Asian region, particularly in Indonesia and India. The fruit rind contains HCA or hydroxy citric acid, a chemical compound that is said to carry the ability to induce weight loss.

Aside from HCA, this product also contains naturally occurring calcium and potassium.​

NatureWise Garcinia Cambogia is perfect for those who are looking for organic ways to shed pounds. This product is also perfect for vegans and those who are on a gluten-free diet. For those who are suffering from diabetes, it is advised that you seek a doctor’s recommendation before trying out this product. Its appetite-suppressing agent could potentially reduce sugar intake, which can then trigger hypoglycemia.​

NatureWise swears by Garcinia Cambogia’s weight management power. It is remarked that this product is one of the best selling in the weight loss pills category on Amazon. To help you understand how this can help you with weight gain problems, here are some features and benefits that you can consider:​

  • Appetite Suppressant. Overeating is a common method to recover from stress from your daily life – be it at work or performing duties at home. Taking 3 capsules a day or 1 every after a meal can help regulate your craving for large food portions.
  • Prevent Fat Storage. HCA present in Garcinia Cambogia aids in the decrease of fat absorption in the body. Instead, it uses its fat-burning ability to manage weight gain.
  • Increase Bowel Movement. Garcinia Cambogia also helps clear intestines by inducing regular bowel movements daily, which can then improve metabolism.
  • Increase Exercise Endurance. This product can also provide you with a boost of energy to make working out easier and more fun. You get more strength to complete more routines, which aids in muscle building and calories.
  • Mood Improvement. Noticeable change in mood to the positive spectrum is a benefit attributed to the regular use of the product. As you feel lighter by expanding wastes out of your body, you make space for positive vibes to come in.

Some previous users have noted that the maximum effect of the product can be obtained if you couple it with NatureWise Coffee Bean Extract 800. Others hinted that the pill may not be easily swallowed but can be dissolved in water.

Maintaining your ideal weight has never been tough with all the environmental and physiological factors, but what Garcinia Cambogia offers is a safe alternative to manage your weight gain without hurting your pocket. But, you have to take note that this is not a magic pill. It has to go along with a good diet and exercise plan for you to maximize its effect.​

3. Review: Garcinia Cambogia by Quality Encapsulations

Obesity is a problem that is common among people all across the globe. It can trigger a lot of health issues. Moreover, being obese means that you are continuously receiving taunts from people around you.

Quality Encapsulations Garcinia

I, like many other fat people, tend to worry about my weight. Hearing people regularly talking about my weight and me “looking like a potato” put great stress on my mind. Therefore, I began to work on the natural supplements available to lose weight. That was when I came across the all-natural Garcinia Cambogia.​

What’s inside this product?​

​There are several weight loss supplements available in the market. You, like me, might give a try to several medicines. However, the only product that I find worthy was this one. It is a premium extract of Garcinia Cambogia. Garcinia is a tropical fruit that many people may know as the Malabar Tamarind. It is highly known for its weight-loss properties. This product holds its extract along with the 60% HCA guarantee. There are around 180 capsules per bottle, and the manufacturing is all done in the USA.

Who should use this product?​

When it comes to the product, one thing doesn’t need to be appropriate for everyone. Therefore, before you opt to make use of the supplements, ensure that they are for you.

These capsules are best suitable for people that are looking to lose weight. If you want to block the formation of new cells, these capsules’ formulas will help you achieve it. Moreover, if you tend to be hungry and wish to have a strong appetite suppressant, you can go for the Garcinia Cambogia.​

If you do not fall in one of the categories I listed in the above paragraph, you may like to avoid using this supplement. Using it for purposes other than the ones mentioned above might do more harm than good to you.

Features and Benefits of the product​

After using it for a while, I can talk about how the product feels and what changes I had. At first, when you will consume a capsule, you will notice a noticeable change in your regular diet intake. You will find that the desire for more food is not there. It is because of the appetite suppressing properties of the product. Moreover, after using it for a while, you may notice that the layers of fat on your belly are now decreasing. As it hinders the development of new fat cells and lowers your food intake, you are now consuming fewer calories and doing more things. Therefore, the fat cells on your belly will start breaking down, and ultimately, you will lose some weight.​


  • It is all-natural
  • Blocks formation of fat cells
  • Reduces Carving
  • Enhances your Mood
  • Increases the level of serotonin in the brain


  • User may experience some nausea
  • Digestive tract discomforts may occur
  • Not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding

We all want to eliminate the excess fat that is in our bodies. I have been trying out many products and can finally say that I found a reliable supplement. In case that you are also suffering from the same issue, you can check this product. It can certainly solve your issue due to its anti-appetite and fat blocking properties.

4. Review: Garcinia Cambogia by NaturaBest

Natural Best Garcinia Cambogia is designed for people who have challenges with losing weight, metabolism, digestion, and fat absorption. This fat-burning power appeals to those who cannot commit to regular physical activities due to busy schedules at work.

Natura Best Garcinia

Every bottle of Natura Best Garcinia Cambogia has 60 capsules packed with the fruit (rind), commonly found in the Southeast Asian region and India. Garcinia Cambogia hails from the family of tamarind. Each capsule weighs 1000mg, which is relatively bigger than the most competition (500mg).​

The product is lab tested and is proven to be free from gluten, soy, dairy, sugar, and other artificial additives. For this reason, vegetarian, lactose-intolerant people and those following a gluten-free diet can take this pill. And, because it is sugar-free, this is safe for diabetic patients.

However, pregnant and lactating mothers are advised not to use this product. Those currently on medication for mental and chronic ailments are asked to seek a physician’s recommendation first.​

Features and Benefits​

The supplement hastens fat loss three times faster than exercising or following restricted diets. You may be wondering how Natura Best can claim such an effect? The key is HCA. Hydoxycitric Acid or HCA is a chemical compound that is said to suppress appetite and stimulate calorie burning in the body.

Instead of converting carbohydrates from food, the supplement transforms it to energy, stimulating the mind and body to engage in physical activities and rigorous exercises such as Pilates, plyometrics, yoga, and circuit training. HCA is also responsible for increasing serotonin production, also known as the “happy hormone.” You no longer have to cling to chocolates to lighten your mood.​


Natura Best Garcinia Cambogia assists in converting fat to glycogen, a ready source of energy that you can easily expand. This mechanism is the magic behind the weight loss management ability of the supplement.

There are several other positive effects that you can obtain from regularly using this product. These include the following:​

  • improvement of metabolism
  • aids in digestion
  • serves as the mood booster
  • suppresses appetite to consume unhealthy food
  • regulates sugar level
  • improvement of the immune system
  • increase exercise endurance
  • reduces the risk of hypertension
  • assists in muscle building
  • improves brain activity and memory

It is still best that while taking the pills, you also exercise regularly. You will see results faster and better.


Overusing can cause nausea, dizziness, skin rashes, stomach upset, and dry mouth. If you experience any of these, it is recommended that you decrease the amount of intake.

There are a plethora of choices in the market today. Still, Natura Best Garcinia Cambogia is one of the few that offers 100% pure extract in every capsule and 50% HCA with potassium and calcium. This product is made in the United States and swears by using zero filler, extender, or binder.​

Natura Best Garcinia Cambogia sells for $19.99 per bottle of 60 capsules and ships within 24 hours. They offer a money-back guarantee to ensure customer satisfaction.​

5. Review: Garcinia Cambogia by Natures Design​

Nature’s Design Garcinia Cambogia is created to help people who are struggling to lose weight and have problems with metabolism and digestion.

Natures Design Garcinia

This product is derived from pure extracts of the plant Garcinia Cambogia, which grows predominantly in Southeast Asia. Nature’s Design has since slashed the selling price by around 70%. Each bottle contains 60 capsules. The company also offers a 100% money-back guarantee to ensure customer satisfaction.​

Nature’s Design Garcinia Cambogia is a weight loss supplement designed for adult men and women but is not intended for pregnant, nursing mothers, and under 18. Taking one to three capsules before meals three times a day is advised.

Features & Benefits​

Garcinia Cambogia is made up of Hydroxycitric Acid or HCA, which aids in weight loss even with zero to minimal exercise or without a drastic change in diet.

HCA converts carbohydrates to energy instead of fats.

Aside from HCA, each capsule is also packed with other minerals such as potassium chloride, calcium carbonate, and chromium.

Some of the benefits of using this as a supplement include the following:​

  • suppressing cravings for unhealthy food and overeating
  • Help in stabilizing the blood sugar levels
  • Help in improving cholesterol levels
  • Improving bowel movements and digestion
  • It minimizes joint and the muscle pains
  • Promoting the positive mood
  • Increasing the focus and concentration

With these, Natures Design Garcinia Cambogia promises to assist in weight loss and improve health conditions, especially to those who have diabetes, high cholesterol level, hypertension, and those who frequently experience constipation. The product also induces increased production of the happy hormones Serotonin and good cholesterol in the body.

Since this is 100% all-natural, the nutrients and minerals are easily absorbed by the cells in our body. The product can also boost your interest in engaging in physical activities.​

To maximize the effects of the product, you are encouraged to exercise and eat a well-balanced diet regularly.​


Most women who have just given birth have stubborn fats that they want to eliminate as quickly as possible. However, the supplement is not recommended for lactating or nursing mothers. You may have to wait a little longer to ensure not only your safety but your infant as well. Those who are suffering from asthma, under pain medications, and those taking medicine to fight mental disorders such as depression and anxiety are also advised to veer away from using the supplement.​

First-time users may also experience dizziness and diarrhea. Some reported that they had observed the appearance of skin rashes after days of taking the supplement.​

Changing one’s diet to drastically induce weight loss is an unhealthy practice, especially if you are a working professional. People with medical conditions or injuries could not commit to physical activities to burn calories. This is where dietary supplements such as Garcinia Cambogia enter the picture. It gives you an alternative solution without having to compromise a lot of things. It also has a relatively affordable tag price.​

​Best Garcinia Cambogia Powder Extract

Garcinia Cambogia Powder Extract is useful if you wish to make meal replacement shakes or tasty smoothies.

Below is a list of the best Garcinia Cambogia Extract brands you can buy from at this moment:


Garcinia Cambogia(HCA) per serving



500mg PowderExtract

Reviews of Best Garcinia Cambogia Powder Extract

And here is my review list of the best Garcinia Cambogia Powder Extracts:

1. Review: Garcinia Cambogia Powder Extract by BulkSupplements​

BulkSupplements Garcinia Cambogia Powder is crafted for people who have been trying to find alternative solutions to weight loss and natural calorie-burning supplements. It is especially appealing to those who have minimal time to engage in regular physical activities.​

Bulksupplements Garcinia Powder

Each pack of BulkSupplements Garcinia Cambogia contains 250 grams of 60% HCA powder. Hydroxycitric Acid or HCA is derived from the rind of Garcinia Cambogia, a pumpkin-like fruit that proliferates in most parts of Asia, particularly in India. This chemical compound is proven to carry nutrients and power to induce weight loss, suppress appetite, and prevent the body’s fat absorption.​

This supplement is free from gluten, soy, dairy, sugar, and artificial additives. This means that those who are on a gluten-free diet and lactose intolerant can take this. BulkSupplements Garcinia Cambogia is also safe for diabetic patients because it is sugar-free.​

However, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and those under medication for chronic ailments and mental illness are advised to seek a physician’s clearance first.​

Features and Benefits​

BulkSupplements Garcinia Cambogia swears by its ability to aid the body in suppressing fat accumulation or absorption of the body. Instead of converting carbohydrates into fats, it transforms them into energy.

This is why as you take this supplement, you feel more energized and ready for a workout. This is aside from the fact that HCA also increases the production of Serotonin, or what is commonly known as the happy hormone.

Dietary instructions noted that taking at least 1/8 teaspoon three times a day is recommended for you to maximize the supplement’s effect.

This product is also lab tested.


BulkSupplements Garcinia Cambogia is created from all-natural ingredients, which means that it is relatively safe with minimized side effects. Furthermore, the product maximizes HCA’s fat-burning ability to prevent drastic weight gain.

Other positive upshots of using the supplement include:

  • the increase in bowel movement and improvement of metabolism
  • increase appetite for exercise and improvement of endurance
  • induces muscle building
  • decrease levels of bad cholesterol
  • improvement of mood because of Serotonin

The product also veers away from the mechanism of food deprivation, which can cause major setbacks in health and wellness. What it does is that it decreases your appetite to indulge in junk food and an unhealthy diet.


Some users have noted side effects such as nausea, stomach upset, dry mouth, and headache. If you experience any of this, you may try reducing the amounts of intake. It is also not suggested for those who have kidney problems.​

Several products on the market offer weight loss in one way or another. If you have been trying to find a perfect match for your needs and health condition, you may want to explore all-natural supplements. What makes BulkSupplements Garcinia Cambogia a standout is that it is cheap but has proven effects. There is a money-back guarantee to ensure customer satisfaction.

​Best Garcinia Cambogia Fruit

Summer is almost upon us, and a lot of us want to lose our winter coats. I’m sure you feel the same way as I do, so dieting will be the way to go. It can be difficult, and there are always many temptations to detract us from our weight goal.

If you are anything like me, you will have a super sweet tooth that is hard to ignore, and this can cause you to cheat. But not to worry, there is an affordable, sweet (both literally and metaphorically) product that can help you with your joinery of losing the winter weight. That product is Garcinia Cambogia Fruit Slices.

Below is my list of best Garcinia Cambogia Fresh Fruit providers you can find on the market at the moment for a fair price and with great quality:

Brand Type

Garcinia Cambogia Fruit 100% Natural


Reviews of Best Garcinia Cambogia Fruit

And here is my detailed review of the best Garcinia Cambogia Fresh Fruit manufacturers:

1. Review: Garcinia Cambogia Fresh Fruit​

Summer is almost upon us, and a lot of us want to lose our winter coats. I’m sure you feel the same way as I do, so dieting will be the way to go. It can be difficult, and there are always many temptations to detract us from our weight goal.

Garcinia Cambogia Fruit Slice

If you are anything like me, you will have a super sweet tooth that is hard to ignore, and this can cause you to cheat. But not to worry, there is an affordable, sweet (both literally and metaphorically) product that can help you with your joinery of losing the winter weight. That product is Garcinia Cambogia Fruit Slices.​

Garcinia Cambogia Fruit Slices​

This product is 100 percent natural, and it is great for weight loss. The package has five 40 grams packets in it, and there will not be a mess when you use it. Anyone who wants to lose weight can use it. However, it is advised that pregnant ladies or ladies who are lactating should not use this product because Garcinia has a high concentration of HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid) which can affect the Fatty Acid, etc., which in return may affect the Steroid Hormone.

Besides that, Garcinia Cambogia Fruit Slices offer freshness from the moment you open the packet. Allow your nose to be filled with the sweet and healthy scent of the product. It also comes in two flavors which are sour and sweet. Therefore, you will not get bored with the taste as quickly.

Features & Benefits

This product is easy to use and takes no time to prepare. All you do is eat three to four pieces an hour before every meal and drink a huge glass of water after every meal. This is done so you can absorb the Garcinia Cambogia as much as possible. There are no capsules and powders; therefore, there will not be a mess for you to clean up.

HCA is good for helping to lose weight because it reduces the fat in the body by stopping it from forming more, and therefore, your body will end up using the fat that is still there in your body. The product also helps improve your metabolism as well as gives you more energy. It can also reduce your appetite, so you do not feel like you want to eat.


The Pros are that it is easy to use, there is no mess, tastes good, and will help you lose weight. The cons are that you may be allergic to it, pregnant ladies should not eat it, or you may not like the taste of it. If you do not like the taste, do not worry; there is something out there for you.


The Garcinia Cambogia Fruit Slices can help diet and lose weight by killing your appetite and stopping your body from forming more „fat. “ The sweet taste will help with your sweet tooth taking over, and the product is easy to open and close when you need to.

Everything You Need to Know Before Buying Garcinia Cambogia

Like many weight loss supplements on the market today, Garcinia Cambogia dietary supplements have faced a roller coaster ride of popularity and support.

As with many vitamins and supplements available, conflicting research has led to doubt amongst consumers in being able to determine just how effective Garcinia Cambogia truly is and whether or not it is,

in fact, safe to consume. Vitamins and supplements fall into a category that is not regulated in the same manner as other drugs and medicines, allowing for more liberal conclusions of research analysis and their claims.

How Does Garcinia Cambogia Work?

Garcinia Cambogia

The active ingredient in Garcinia Cambogia supplements is an additive found in the Garcinia Cambogia fruit rind called hydroxy citric acid or HCA.

HCA is believed to lower appetite by increasing the levels of serotonin within the brain.

Although the exact mechanics of how HCA suppresses the appetite are not quite clear, research conducted by nutritionist have found elevated levels of 5 hydroxytryptophans, a direct precursor to serotonin, may be the cause of increased satisfaction levels which assist in curbing one’s appetite.

Along with the appetite suppressing benefits found in HCA, researchers have discovered that HCA also blocks an enzyme called citrate lyase, which helps the body to turn starches and sugars into fat. By blocking this enzyme, carbohydrates can be converted more easily into energy instead of fat within the body.

When we consume carbohydrates, the nutrients can either be used to give energy or are, turned into fat that the body can then store for later use.

Citrate lyase assists the body in converting carbohydrates into either energy or fat but, when inhibited by HCA, assists the body in expelling carbohydrates and sugars as energy instead of being converted and stored as fat for later on.

It is important to take Garcinia Cambogia supplements to promote the weight loss benefits offered from HCA supplements in the correct dose and manner.

Studies have found that taking supplements that contain 50% HCA for 8-12 weeks did not result in any significant weight loss increase.

Although the dosage was regulated to contain 60% HCA, taken orally three times a day for 12 weeks, increased weight loss benefits were found.

Is Garcinia Cambogia Safe?

Weight loss supplements have long been the target of major controversy and scandal. Garcinia cambogia dietary supplements offered no exception. In 2009 the FDA recalled a popular weight loss supplement containing HCA for multiple health complications and dangerous side effects.

While promoting their fat-burning qualities that promoted as a major selling point, the supplement failed to conduct extensive enough research before launching onto the market in the early 2000s.

The result was the hospitalization of over 20 people and one server case that resulted in death. Most patients that suffered from complications linked to the supplement were liver-related. Jaundice, elevated liver enzyme levels, and digestive issues were all reported.

Since the 2009 FDA recall, the supplement has been relaunched with a new formula lacking the presence of HCA, leading many to believe that the fat-burning ingredient may have been the cause of the health issues reported. However, no confirmed analysis was ever reached.

So many still question if Garcinia Cambogia supplements are safe to take. While the popular brand’s dietary supplement’s side effects were hazardous, the ingredients listed in the supplement’s formula were extensive, so it is hard to say if HCA was to blame.

Since the recall in 2009, there have been extensive studies conducted by the FDA, which found that while HCA was most likely a contributing factor to the severe complications linked to the popular dietary supplement, HCA alone seems to pose no serious threat.

The research concluded that while HCA has proven safe, taken in conjunction with other ingredients may result in complications. Less severe complications and side effects have been reported, but the supplement should be safe for most individuals when taken properly and directed.

As the FDA has recommended, it is best to take Garcinia Cambogia in its pure form without other ingredients that could lead to unknown complications.

There are also major concerns about what happens when you stop taking Garcinia supplements. Check out my post to find the answer.

What Are the Best Garcinia Cambogia Supplements to Take?

The dietary supplement market has been flooded with Garcinia Cambogia options for years since the discovery of its effective fat-burning and weight loss qualities in the 1970s, with more evidence of its possible effects being discovered in 1998 after further investigation.

With the approval and support of TV personality Dr. Oz in 2013, the supplement saw another surge in popularity, and the market was flooded once again with overwhelming options.

Although there are numerous Garcinia Cambogia supplements to choose from, it is important to educate yourself properly before buying any vitamin or dietary supplement.

Many supplements are riddled with fillers and binders that cheapen the quality of the product and maybe found harmful with the delicate nature that HCA has exhibited in conjecture with other ingredients.

Popular stores and brands may promote a supplement as high quality and strength, but upon further investigation, it can be found diluted with unnecessary ingredients.

When selecting any supplement, it is important to do your research.

Be sure to examine all the ingredients listed in the supplement you choose, and if you are unsure of its function and safety, it is important to research its nature before purchase and consumption.

Be mindful of supplements that use terms such as formulas, blends, or complexes. This usually means additives and unnecessary ingredients are added to the supplement and that the active ingredients have been diluted.

It is important to look for Garcinia Cambogia supplements that are 100% Garcinia Cambogia, all-natural, and pure.

Look for supplements that promote and advertise terms such as binder-free, filler-free, and additive-free! This will ensure a quality product, free of unnecessary ingredients, and avoids interactions with ingredients that could be proven unsafe, as noted by the FDA.

Garcinia Cambogia Real Results​

With endless claims and promises found all over the internet today, it is hard to tell what can be trusted and what should be ignored. Especially in the weight loss market, claims can be as varied as the available products, so it is important to research and hear from real users.

Although HCA has been around for quite some time, there are still mixed study results regarding the effectiveness of garcinia Cambodia’s ability to increase weight loss.

While the research may still be conflicting, some claim to have had substantial results with HCA supplements.

Real users have reported increased energy, reduction in body fat, weight loss, and decreased appetite.

With the science supporting the fat-burning abilities and increased serotonin levels offered with Garcinia Cambogia, these claims can likely result from HCA supplements partnered with proper diet and exercise.

While it may not be the miracle drug that some are seeking, the research does offer supporting evidence to back the claims that Garcinia Cambogia can, in fact, assist those with their weight loss goals. Of course, it is important to choose a high-quality HCA supplement and take it as directed to ensure the best results and safety.​

Should You Buy Garcinia Cambogia Supplements?​

With great results being reported and ongoing research being conducted with favorable results, Garcinia Cambogia is a great supplement when taken properly and with the right education.

Remember to avoid cheap formulas with unnecessary fillers and products that may not be all-natural to get the best results from your supplements.

Contact your doctor before starting a new supplement regime and avoid HCA if you are a woman who is pregnant or breastfeeding.

Once you have chosen a quality HCA supplement and have spoken with your doctor, make sure to follow the recommended dosage and not exceed more than 2,500mg daily. As with another vitamin, medicine, or supplement, more is not always better!

With proper diet and moderate exercise, HCA has considerable evidence to support increased weight loss and decrease body fat!

Overall, the possibilities and benefits seem to outweigh the slight possible risks greatly and can be added to a healthy weight loss plan to boost results!

There are also possible mood benefits and energy benefits with elevated serotonin levels, which come as a welcome bonus!

Ultimate Garcinia Cambogia Infographic Guide

Garcinia Cambogia Ultimate Guide Infographic
Source: vitruviannaturallab

About Author

Cindy Wilson Thumb
BS, Nutrition & Food Science
Cindy Wilson

Hello, I am Cindy, and this a website where I inspect everything related to nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. I have a BS in Dietetics and Nutrition (Kansas State University) and have completed a dozen specialty courses related to nutrition, biochemistry, and food science. I am open to learning more, but foremost I would like to share all my knowledge with you.

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