Sleep problems can be a nightmare! When you do not have enough sleep, you might end up grumpy and unproductive. Hence, many people are searching for potential solutions. Among others, one that has been receiving a lot of attention lately is CBD. Does it help? Read on and find out.

What the Research Says
To improve your overall health, getting the right amount of sleep is crucial. Unsurprisingly, those who have difficulty sleeping turn to novel solutions, such as CBD. Nonetheless, the effectiveness remains questionable, mainly because of the lack of empirical evidence that can prove a direct link between sleep and CBD.
To this day, there are no large studies or clinical trials that investigate how CBD can help treat sleep problems. Nonetheless, there have been small-scale research, including those we’ll talk about below.
1. Sleep and Anxiety
One of the most common reasons why people find it difficult to sleep is anxiety. It can be difficult to hit the sack when you have excessive worry and fear. Not to mention, it might also result in vivid dreams. In turn, such can cause more sleep disturbances.
In one study involving 72 participants, sleep and anxiety scores were compared before and after taking CBD. Most of them showed a decrease in anxiety scores during the first month. More so, sleep scores improved. Despite these, the researchers note the need for more controlled clinical studies to support their findings.
2. Sleep and Pain
Chronic pain can be one of the most common culprits for sleep problems. As such, many are looking for the best pain management solutions. Some may turn to pain relief medications while others might explore solutions like CBD.
Users of medical cannabis sourced from trusted dispensaries such as low price bud, amongst others, often cite chronic pain as their reason for its use. It is believed to have analgesic benefits, such as inhibiting the effects of neurotransmitters and minimizing the pain you feel. Nonetheless, while such a link has been found in some studies, it has limitations. For instance, most of them have a short duration and involved a small number of patients.
More potent forms of cannabis, containing higher levels of THC, can also be utilized for treating chronic pain. However, before contemplating a purchase, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with your state’s laws. For instance, in Minnesota, cannabis is solely legal for medical purposes, requiring patients to acquire a Minnesota medical marijuana card before gaining access to cannabis products.
3. Sleep and Stress
Like pain, stress can be another major contributor to sleep problems. While cortisol levels often peak in the morning, they can also happen at night, especially among people with insomnia. It can also increase the frequency of waking up at night, resulting in poor sleep quality.
Taking CBD oil can be promising for stress reduction. It can affect cortisol release by acting as a sedative. Hence, it shows its potential to improve mood, which is also the reason why it is popular among people who have anxiety.
4. Treatment of Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea refers to a sleeping disorder characterized by a temporary stop or decrease in breathing while sleeping. Because of abnormal breathing, you do not get enough sleep. Hence, you will feel tired during the day.
Preliminary evidence suggests that CBD therapies can help people with sleep apnea, insomnia, and other sleep disorders. Nonetheless, researchers note that larger and more rigorously-controlled trials are necessary to further validate such associations.
5. Treatment of Circadian Rhythm Disorders
Another potential benefit of CBD in improving sleep is the treatment of circadian rhythm disorder. Also called sleep-wake cycle disorders, it is a problem with the internal clock of the body.
Using CBD might help in ensuring that the body goes through the normal stages of sleep in different environments. It can prevent undue interruption, hence, improving your sleep quality. But like the other things mentioned earlier, it is another thing that calls for more studies.
How to Use CBD for Sleep

Before using CBD as a sleep aid, below are some of the most important things to do.
- Do your research. Online sources like Hinterland Co. are providing online platforms that can help inform those who do not fully understand cannabis in general. They can connect curious individuals to top products, practitioners, and companies.
- Mind the dosage. Most of the clinical trials involved taking 25 mg to 1,500 mg of CBD per day. The best thing to do is to start small and work your way up.
- Consult with a doctor. If you’re unsure of its effects, it’s best to talk to a professional. Especially if you’re from a location where CBD is legal, doctors can provide valuable insights on using CBD, including the correct dose.
- Mind your other medications. CBD can interact with certain medicines. For instance, it might show adverse effects if you’re also taking opioid analgesics, antidepressants, and anti-epileptic drugs.
Despite having several studies exploring sleep and CBD, we need to see more large-scale clinical trials. If the studies aren’t small, many of them rely on self-reported data. Nonetheless, based on anecdotal evidence and some research, CBD seems to be a promising sleep aid. If you’re contemplating trying such, it’s best to consult a doctor or do a thorough research to find a product that would work best for you.